
Please consider donating to our Auction. Contributions of jewelry, week long or weekend use of your vacation property, gift certificates, fine art, personal services, sports tickets or memorabilia will be deeply appreciated.

All auction items will be listed on the A Promise of Hope Affair web site and in the event electronic bidding catalog. All items will also be showcased at the event itself to be viewed by over 350 guests. Take advantage of the donation program, which entitles you to a link from our website to yours. To receive the website link, donations and descriptions must be received by September 16, 2024.

By providing an auction item for this event, you will be joining other companies not only based in Hampton Roads, VA, but across the United States as an auction donor for PAF’s A Promise of Hope Affair. For donation form, click here. If you have any questions, please call (757) 952-1370.

If you would like to contribute a monetary gift, please click here.