Be A Sponsor

There are two levels of sponsorship for A Promise of Hope Affair. Each sponsorship opportunity offers both participation and recognition benefits, as outlined below.

Event Sponsors

Technology Sponsor ~ $25,000
Company Name & Logo displayed on all electronic/virtual bidding screens, leaderboards, and printed materials.  A full-page advertisement in printed and online Event Program Book and a sponsored video (2 -3 minutes in length) to be included during opening session.

Dinner Sponsor ~ $25,000
Company Name & Logo displayed on banner/poster on stage in Ballroom.  A full-page advertisement in printed and online Event Program Book and a sponsored video (2 -3 minutes in length) to be included during the opening session.

Reception Sponsor ~ $15,000
Company name & logo displayed on event banner/poster. A pop-up ad or sponsored message and logo during the welcome reception, and a half-page advertisement in printed and online Event Program Book.

Silent Auction Sponsor ~ $10,000
Company Name & Logo displayed on banner/poster in the Auction Area. A half-page advertisement in printed and online Event Program Book.

In addition to the above-listed items, all Event Sponsors receive:
Preferred Table for Ten Guests, Tent Cards at Sponsored Table, and Recognition from the Podium.

Table Sponsors

Gold ~ $7,500
One table for ten guests.  Half-page advertisement in Event Program Book.  Formal recognition from the podium the night of the event, logo on event poster, and in online auction.

Silver ~ $5,000
One table for eight guests.  Quarter-page advertisement in Event Program Book. Formal recognition from the podium the night of the event and logo on event poster.

Bronze ~ $2,000
One table for six guests. Formal recognition from the podium the night of the event and listing on event poster.

For additional information on how to become a sponsor, please email