A Venetian Masquerade

Spend an evening cloaked in the splendor and romance of a Venetian Masquerade. Discover enchantment, grandeur, and the thrill of games of chance. Picture yourself gliding through the canals of Venice on a gondola – immerse yourself in the mystery and intrigue of the masquerade, whether you’re dancing on the ballroom floor or trying your luck at the casino tables.

Join us for PAF’s 24th A Promise of Hope Affair – A Venetian Masquerade on Saturday, September 20, 2025, at the Newport News Marriott at City Center. Enjoy an elegant dinner, music, dancing, a silent auction, mock-casino games, and a live auction benefiting our Scholarship for Survivors 25th anniversary and PAF’s Case Management services.

For tickets or sponsorship opportunities, email events@patientadvocate.org

PAF’s Case Management program was designed to help patients access care and treatment recommended by their physicians. PAF is the largest comprehensive safety-net charity in the country and remains committed to offering financial support, access to care, and social needs navigation. We can help with:

  • Reducing financial burden with charitable and community resources
  • Enroll in health insurance, disability, and social programs
  • Navigate insurance denials, appeal support, and coding/billing issues

In 2000, PAF established the Scholarship for Survivors program to offer educational scholarships to students who have battled or are currently battling cancer or chronic illnesses. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and supporters, PAF is now supporting 40 college students. Despite their diagnoses, these students have excelled academically, served their communities, and pursued higher education. Each student receives $3,000 annually, up to $12,000 for a 4-year degree, and up to $6,000 for a Graduate or Ph.D. degree in fields as varied as education, medicine, advocacy, law, and environmental science to name a few. Over the past 25 years, PAF has awarded 235 scholarships, totaling over $1 million.

Can’t join us? Donate and learn more about Scholarship for Survivors.
They haven’t let cancer or chronic illness derail them, and with your help, we won’t either!

To view or download a copy of PAF’s 2023 Annual Impact Report

Patient Advocate Foundation, was established in 1996 as a national 501(c) 3 organization with a mission of “safeguarding patients through effective mediation assuring access to care, maintenance of employment and preservation of their financial stability.”  PAF serves as an active liaison between the patient and their insurer, employer and/or creditors to resolve insurance, job retention, and/or debt crisis matters relative to their diagnosis through case managers, doctors and health care attorneys.